Traffic tickets and non-DWI charges in New York can typically be plea bargained down to lesser grade offenses. In most instances, people receive a speeding ticket or moving violation that are points-related offenses. If you plead guild to the charges as listed, you could receive points against your license, impacting your insurance. If you receive too many points within a 18-month period or you go over the calculated amount of points that the Department of Motor Vehicles permits, you could lose your license for six or twelve months or a lengthier period.
It’s very important for you to consider hiring a defense attorney to represent you, even in a traffic case. Many times, the traffic prosecutor or the local police officer may plea bargain the case down to a non-points, a non-moving offense, or equipment violation. There are many alternatives that a criminal attorney can explore to have the charges downgraded. You never know when you’re going to get your next ticket. It’s important to try for a non-points related violation.
The Law Office of Kevin T. Conway is proud to serve the people of Spring Valley and Rockland County with quality legal services regarding DUI, DWI, traffic violations, violent crimes, sex crimes, illegal gun possession, shoplifting, and juvenile crimes. If you need an effective criminal lawyer, contact our Spring Valley office for a free consultation.
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