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What Happens If I Don’t Show Up For Jury Duty?

No one loves getting summoned for jury duty, but trying to skip out on it can be quite foolish. If you do not try to get out of this via the right legal channels, you could end up facing contempt charges, fines, and even jail time. If you do not want to hire a Clarkstown criminal defense attorney of your own, then you should listen to our advice.

How Are You Punished for Missing Jury Duty?

Skipping out on jury duty can result in both civil and criminal charges. You may be held in contempt of court, and that can result in fines and even a short stay in jail. It’s usually just a few hundred dollars and up to three days in jail we’re talking about, but there is really no good reason to ignore that jury duty summons. Especially because the next thing that New York will have in store for you is another summons. So if you do not go the first time your presence is requested, you could be out money and time, and then you still end up in the same situation.

Why Do I Have to Do Jury Duty?

You have to do jury duty because criminal defendants have a right to a jury trial. Some civil suits also involve jurors. In some cases, a grand jury that could be used to indict someone will also need jurors. These members of the jury have to come from somewhere. Being available to serve on a jury is your civic duty, just like paying taxes.

How Long Will My Time as Juror Last?

How long your time on a jury lasts can depend on a number of different factors. Any of the following can affect how long your jury duty lasts:

  • Whether or not you are on a grand jury
  • How complicated your assigned case is
  • Whether or not jurors are needed in the first place

Sometimes people check in for a day or two and are never made to serve on a jury. However, it is also possible that you could also end up on a jury on a case that takes weeks.

Can I Get Out of Jury Duty for Any Reason?

Ignoring your jury duty summons is also silly because there are ways to get out of your obligation in some circumstances. In most situations, you can ask for a delay and be given a different date a few months into the future.

If you have another obligation that prevents you from serving on a jury, you can tell the court about it. If you are a caregiver and cannot find someone else to take care of your loved one while you serve on a jury, that could be seen as a perfectly valid excuse. You would just need to show the court enough proof.

Schedule a Consultation With a Defense Attorney

If you are facing contempt charges or a jury of your own, get the legal assistance you need. Contact the Law Office of Kevin T. Conway and talk to our team. We would be happy to schedule you a consultation.

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