There are rules that all drivers must follow when they are on the road. One of the most important rules that are frequently ignored is speeding while driving. Speeding can cause accidents for the driver in addition to the other people on the road. The state of New York takes speeding very seriously and is working hard to ensure people drive the speed limit. Speeding violations may come with certain fines and penalties to the driver. Depending on the violation, you could receive a ticket as well as points on your license. Collecting points on your license can reflect on an increase in personal finances, car insurance payments, as well as the possibility of a license suspension.
When an individual is pulled over for speeding, they may meet certain consequences. If a law enforcement officer issues you a ticket, it could result in fines and points on your license. The state of New York follows a set of guidelines when an individual is caught speeding. A person may receive anywhere from 3-11 points on their license depending on the speed they were going when they were pulled over. The New York point system is:
If an individual receives 11 points on their license within an 18 months period, their license may be suspended.
Every driver’s speeding ticket cost will vary depending on their speed and where they were pulled over. If you are issued a ticket in New York City, there is a greater likelihood that you will pay more than those in a rural area. An individual who accumulates 6 or more points on their license within 18 months may be subject to a Driver Responsibility Assessment fine. This fine costs $100 every year for 3 years. Any individual who receives more than 6 points on their license must pay an additional $25 fine for each point.
If you are issued a speeding ticket, you may want to seek legal counsel to guide you through the charges. An experienced attorney may be able to assist a driver in reducing the charges against them. Prosecutors may be open to working with an attorney to avoid problems and more expenses at the cost of the state than necessary. It is possible in some cases to reduce the weight of the offense against the driver.
If you have been issued a speeding violation and wish to seek proper representation for your case, contact the Law Office of Kevin T. Conway today.
Kevin T. Conway has over 30 years of experience as a Spring Valley criminal attorney handling DUI, DWI, traffic violations, violent crimes, sex crimes, illegal gun possession, shoplifting, and juvenile crimes. Attorney Conway is also experienced in commercial law matters, zoning law, and estate planning. If you need a Rockland County criminal lawyer, contact our Spring Valley office for a free consultation.
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