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How Can a Lawyer Help With My Domestic Violence Charges?

If you are being charged with domestic violence in New York it is imperative that you seek legal representation and build a strong case to prevent you from being convicted. A false accusation can ruin a person’s life so contact a New City violent crimes attorney who can formulate an effective defense and represent you during your case. Speak with a lawyer today to discuss your options.

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is the crime of abuse occurring between two or more people who share a connection that is domestic in nature. Domestic abuse can occur between any of the following individuals.

  • Romantic partners
  • Former romantic partners
  • Spouses
  • Former spouses
  • Co-parents who share children together
  • Parents
  • Children
  • Individuals who live together

Any family members or romantic partners, regardless of their current relationship status, can engage in domestic violence. Violence can come in the form of physical, sexual, emotional, or financial abuse. Examples can include the following situations.

  • Threatening physical harm
  • Pushing, kicking, slapping, punching
  • Strangling
  • Throwing objects
  • Use of physical force

Any of the above can result in harsh consequences for an abuser.

What Will a Lawyer Do During My Case?

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence it is important that you take the allegations seriously and work to set the record straight. Your lawyer will take the following steps to help you during your case.

Collect and Organize Evidence

If you are going to deny the allegations you need evidence to back up your statement. Your attorney will understand what information is relevant to the situation and organize it to build your case. They will examine evidence including your statement, witness statements, police reports, photos, videos, text correspondences, etc.

Fight a Restraining Order

An experienced attorney may be able to get your temporary restraining order lifted. The accuser must show evidence that abuse occurred and they still reasonably fear for their safety. If your lawyer can prove that these statements are untrue they could have the restraining order terminated and prevent a judge from issuing a final restraining order.

Cast Doubt on Your Accuser’s Credibility

In addition to gathering information for your case, your lawyer can examine your accuser’s evidence or lack thereof. If there is no medical record or signs of violence or injury it could cast doubt on the story. Witness testimony and character witnesses can also add to the evidence that no violence occurred. Additionally, if your accuser has a history of making false allegations your lawyer can identify that pattern and use it as evidence.

Build and Present an Effective Defense

After assessing the details of your situation your lawyer will be able to create a defensive strategy to show that you did not commit the crime. They may argue:

  • That no violence occurred
  • That you were acting in self-defense
  • That you were defending your child or another person
  • That the accuser was harmed by someone else
  • That the violence was self-inflicted

The actions that your lawyer takes will vary depending on the individual circumstances of your situation. Contact an attorney today to discuss the details of your case and acquire representation.

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