When drivers are traveling along the road, they want to know that they are safe from conditions that may arise while driving. They want to avoid bad weather that causes hazards. They also want to avoid bad drivers that can have an impact on them. If someone chooses to drive while under the influence of alcohol, they may be impaired. This can cause them to drive less carefully. When alcohol affects them, it affects their motor skills and slows them down. This can cause them to react slower to anything that happens on the road. It may also throw off their coordination while driving. Their driving is not as safe as it usually would be. This can cause an accident to occur. They are putting other drivers and passengers in danger by driving on the roads.
If drivers are caught under the influence of alcohol, they may be charged with DWI. If their blood alcohol content is 0.08% or more, they can be faced with a misdemeanor charge as a first offense. Although this is a lesser charge than a felony, it can still result in penalties.
Penalties can result from this charge. These penalties can include fines between $500 to $1,000. It can also result in a suspension of your license for a six month minimum sentence. If you have no had an previous charges, you may get a conditional license. However, with previous charges, you can face more severe consequences. When your BAC is increased, it can create more issues for you. Since an increased BAC reveals more impairment on your part, it can cause an officer to further the charge against you. If your BAC reaches 0.10% or higher, you may face an aggravated DWI charge. With this charge, you can face harsher penalties, including more fines and an increased time period for a suspended license. You may also need to install an interlock device on your car at your own expense. This is to limit the opportunity for you to drive again under the influence.
Kevin T. Conway has over 30 years of experience as a Spring Valley criminal attorney handling DUI, DWI, traffic violations, violent crimes, sex crimes, illegal gun possession, shoplifting, and juvenile crimes. Attorney Conway is also experienced in commercial law matters, zoning law, and estate planning. If you need a Rockland County criminal lawyer, contact our Spring Valley office for a free consultation.
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