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Can I Get a Conditional License if Arrested for DWI in Rockland County?

When you’re arrested for DWI and go to court, the judge is required to suspend your license at the arraignment, irrespective of the charge. If the lab or breathalyzer result is in the file and the original report from the officer or you refuse to take a test and the officer has filled out the proper form, the judge is required to suspend your license.

That being said, you are entitled to a hardship license when you’ve submitted to a blood-alcohol test and failed. A hardship license allows you to drive to and from work, school, and from appointments with medical doctors while the case is pending. If the application is not made or you don’t qualify for the application for a hardship license, you will not have a license while the case is pending. You won’t be permitted to drive. It is critically important that you have an attorney, even at the first court appearance, in order that the attorney can get for you a hardship license.

The Law Office of Kevin T. Conway is a Spring Valley criminal attorney that handles DUI, DWI, traffic violations, violent crimes, sex crimes, illegal gun possession, shoplifting, and juvenile crimes. If you need a Rockland County criminal lawyer, contact our Spring Valley office for a free consultation.  

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