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Important Information About DUIs in New York

DUI (Driving Under the Influence) is the criminal charge you can face after getting caught operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. Sometimes referred to as a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated), this offense can have serious legal consequences. As a New York driver, it is important to stay up to date about relevant information regarding DUIs. Read on and work with a knowledgeable New City DWI defense attorney for skilled representation during your case.

What is Some Important Information to Know About DUIs in New York?

When it comes to drunk driving laws in New York, it is imperative that all drivers are made aware of some important legal information and regulations.

Legal Limit

Alcohol intoxication can be measured using several different methods, the most common being a breath or blood test. Using a breathalyzer or by drawing blood, an individual’s BAC (blood alcohol content) can be measured. In New York, the legal limit is .08%, meaning that an individual with a blood alcohol content of .08 or greater is legally intoxicated and not permitted to drive a vehicle.

Implied Consent

Another important law is implied consent. Under this statute, the act of driving a vehicle on public roads in New York means that you have given consent to submit to chemical testing for intoxication. While you have the right to refuse, because you have given implied consent you can face legal repercussions for failing to participate in a breathalyzer or other chemical testing.

Types of DWI Offenses

There are many types of intoxicated driving charges depending on the specific circumstances. Consider the following.

  • DWI: A standard DUI can be issued when the driver’s BAC is .08 or greater, or if there are other signs of intoxication
  • Aggravated DWI: This offense is issued to drivers with a BAC of .18 or when other aggravating factors are present.
  • DWAI-Alcohol: Driving While Ability Impaired, meaning that the BAC may not be .08 but the driver is still impaired by alcohol and cannot safely operate a vehicle.
  • DWAI-Drugs: Driving While Ability impaired by drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol
  • DWI Commercial Driver: Commercial drivers operating a work vehicle with a BAC of .04 or greater
  • DWI Minor: Drivers under the age of 21 with a BAC of .02 or greater
  • Refusal: Charges brought against a driver who refuses to submit to chemical testing

DWI Penalties

While each type of DWI offense will be met with varying consequences, the following are the standard penalties for a first-offense DWI.

  • Fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000
  • Up to 1 year in jail
  • License suspension of at least 6 months
  • Mandatory use of an IID (ignition interlock device) for 6 months
  • 2 to 3 years of probation

If you are a driver in New York it is crucial that you stay up to date with state laws and regulations. Reach out to a skilled attorney for legal advice and representation.

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